Looking for an online community of Christians in tech?
Sometimes it's hard to find other Christians in tech, so we're making it easier. Here are online communities for Christians who code, Christians who design, and Christians in the tech space.
You were created for community.
You were not meant to do this alone.
Too many Christians in tech build and create in silos, and… that can feel really isolating and lonely.
What if I told you there was a better way and that community isn’t as hard to find as it seems?
"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!"
Psalm 133:1
Here are some online Christians in tech communities:
"FaithTech is a global tech community for Christ. We exist to help people in the tech ecosystem find community and steward their skills to glorify God."
"Discover your place in God's mission… Helping You Reach Your World"
"A Christ-centered developer video podcast that focuses on the stories of developers, tech topics, and the Gospel."
The Kingdom Founder
"Being an entrepreneur is lonely. The Kingdom Founder is a tribe of entrepreneurs, CEOs, connectors, creatives, and leaders."
Note: this community is a paid community.
TheoTech Facebook Group
"TheoTech started as a group about the theology of technology and seeks to activate a movement of technology entrepreneurship for the gospel. This means we begin with God as our customer and work backwards to invent and create the things he wants to see in the world. We seek to unleash people to use the gifts God has given them to advance the gospel."
faith.tools Christians in Tech on X
We gather together on X / Twitter to fellowship, showcase what we're working on, seek advice, collaborate, and have fun. This is a community facilitated by faith.tools.
Prayer For Designers
"Slack channel with 200 Christian Designers and Facebook Group with 25 Christian Designers."
"un-dark is CV’s Web3 platform, designed to take the gospel to the new frontier. Let’s co-create it together, and explore evangelism of tomorrow."
Faith Driven Entrepreneur
“You’re not alone. Like-minded investors all around the world believe that God owns it all and that he cares deeply about the how, where, and why behind our investment strategies.”
“Faithly is LinkedIn for the ministry world. Our members are pastors, staff and volunteers of churches and other ministry organizations.”
AI for Church Leaders and Pastors
“This Facebook group is a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the dynamic world of generative AI and its applications in church ministry. Our mission is to empower pastors and church leaders with knowledge and tools to integrate AI into their ministries effectively.”
“This sub is open to all questions related to tech used in church.”
Christians in Tech Career Networking on LinkedIn
Looking for more?
Our friends at TheoTech have a comprehensive list of Christian tech communities, online and in person.
Our Hope
The hope is unity in Christ, so that we can support and encourage one another well.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.”
Acts 2:42-44
If you know of other great Christian tech communities, please write it in the comments and I can add it here.